Learn Photoshop special effects

Showing posts with label ICE effect in Photoshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ICE effect in Photoshop. Show all posts

Sunday, February 3, 2013

ICE effect in Photoshop

Take a new file with black background and type a word you want.

For example if have written “ICE
As far as possible use some Big / Bold Font style like IMPACT to give you the proper effect.

Rasterise the text layer and merge down with the background

Now go to menu Filter>Stylize>Solarize

After this, go to menu Image>Adjustment>Auto Levels

Now we have to rotate our canvas in 90° CW.
Go to menu Image>Rotate Canvas>90° CW

We have to now give a wind effect.
Go to menu Filter>Stylize>Wind

Select “Wind” under Method and “From the Right” under Direction

Now rotate back the canvas to its original position.
Go to menu Image>Rotate Canvas>90° CCW

 We will now give ripple effect to the image.
Go to menu Filter>Distort>Ripple
Set the value of Amount to 100% and Size Small

The image will now look like this

Now create a new fill layer.
Go to menu Layer>New Fill Layer>Solid Color
And just select OK from the New Layer window.

Select the color that will have a feel of ice, i have selected #0e67df.
Change the blend mode if the new layer as Vivid Light

We are almost done with the image, we now just have to give it a icy glow effect.
Select the background layer and go to menu Filter>Filter Gallery

Now Select the Distort Menu and under that select Diffuse Glow

Set the values as
Grainness – 0
Glow Amount – 16
Clear Amount – 13
With this our final result looks like this

To further Improvise, you can use few tools like Brush, Eraser as below:
To Soften the Bottom Edges of the Image, We have taken a soft brush and used it to erase and black out few of the bottom edges and make it smooth

 You can further tone down the “Blue-ness” of the Image by using Photo Filters from Image- Adjustments – Photo Filter

Select whatever drop down suits your style, but for Ice, recommended would be
Underwater at Maximum of 100% density

This is how your final file should look like:

 Hope you liked this tutorial.