In this tutorial, we are going to draw the famous Samsung Galaxy in
Photoshop and Illustrator. We will start by drawing its wireframe in
Illustrator and then exporting it to Photoshop to add some sophisticated
lighting and other effects.
Here’s a preview of what you are going to build:
To follow this tutorial, you will need the following resources:
You can simply delete it right away because we don’t need it, we just need to change the tool settings.
The rectangle will cut the screen area and turn it into half rounded rectangle that we can use as the Status Bar area.
Below are the buttons we have made.
Add Gradient Overlay to add subtle lighting onto the shape.
Add Bevel and Emboss to convert shape into a three-dimentional shape.
Below is the difference before and after adding highlights and
shadows onto the edge. We can see that the result is more realistic.
Double click the layer to open a Layer Style dialog box. Add Inner Glow and Stroke.
Below is how your layer appearance should be.
Double click the layer and activate Drop Shadow and Bevel and Emboss.
Ctrl-click the main button layer to make a new selection based on its shape. Click Select > Modify > Contract by 1 px.
Double click the icon layer and activate Outer Glow and Gradient Overlay.
Add Inner Glow with the following settings.
Double click Layer and add the following Layer Styles.
This is the result.
Below is the camera in 100% magnification.
Double click the reflection shape and add subtle Gradient Overlay.
Here’s the result.
Here’s a preview of what you are going to build:
Step 1 – Preparing the Canvas in Illustrator
Open up your Adobe Illustrator. Make a new file in A4 size. Hit Ctrl + R to bring up the ruler. Make a new layer and name it guide. We will use this to place all our guides. Draw from the ruler onto the canvas to create a new guide. These guides are needed to help us draw the phone wireframe precisely. See the picture below for reference.Step 2 – Basic Phone Shape
Our first step is to draw a basic phone shape. Activate the Rounded Rectangle tool. Click once on the canvas to open the Rounded Rectangle option dialog box. Don’t worry with the width and height settings. Make sure to enter 35 pt on Corner Radius. Click OK. You will have a new rounded rectangle shape.You can simply delete it right away because we don’t need it, we just need to change the tool settings.
Step 3
Make sure to activate Smart Guides from the View menu. This feature helps us to snap objects easily onto guides.Step 4
Click and drag to draw a rounded rectangle right inside the provided guide. See the picture below to get its placement.Step 5
Select the rounded rectangle we have just created. Click Object > Path > Offset Path. Set Offset to -9 pt.Step 6 – Screen Area
While the Rounded Rectangle tool is still active, click once on the canvas. Set Corner Radius to 5 pt. Delete the rounded rectangle made from the dialog box because we won’t need it.Step 7
Draw a rounded rectangle inside the screen area. Use the guide to help you draw it precisely.Step 8
Duplicate screen shape that was just created. Draw a rectangle under the shape. Select both shapes and then select Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel.Step 9
Activate Rounded Rectangle tool again and click once on the canvas. Set Corner Radius to 10.Step 10 – Home Button
Draw a rounded rectangle on the lower part of the phone; this will be the Home button.Step 11
Click Object > Path > Offset Path. Set Offset to -4 pt.Step 12
Draw a rounded rectangle and set its Fill to None and Stroke to Black. Draw a rectangle covering its lower part. Select both shapes and select Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel. This will cut the lower half of the rounded rectangle and turn it into a half rounded rectangle.Step 13
Use the Direct Selection tool and select its lower line. Hit Delete to delete it.Step 14
While the shape is still selected, select Object > Expand. This will turn it into a fill shape, not just a line.Step 15
Draw two small rectangles inside the shape.Step 16
Draw a rounded rectangle and then cover its left side with a rectangle like shown. Select both shapes and select Minus Front from the Pathfinder panel. Use the Direct Selection tool to select its left side and then hit Delete.Step 17
Select Object > Expand to convert this line into a shape.Step 18
Draw a rectangle on the tip of the shape.Step 19
Click the center of the left border of the rectangle to add a new point. Click the top and bottom corners to delete. We will get a triangle.Step 20
Set Fill to Black and Stroke to None.Step 21
Select both shapes and click Unite on the Pathfinder Panel.Step 22 – Application Icons
Activate Rounded Rectangle tool. Click once on the canvas and set Corner Radius to 1 pt.Step 23
Draw a rounded rectangle inside the screen for the icon base. Activate Move tool and Alt + Shift + Drag the shape to duplicate it.Step 24
Select the rounded rectangles we have just created and the click Horizontal Distribute Center on the Align panel.Step 25
Draw the shape of a phone’s receiver inside the first rectangle using the Pen tool.Step 26
Use Type and add the label under the icon.Step 27
Inside the next rounded rectangle, draw an avatar icon. Draw an ellipse for its head and manually draw its shoulder.Step 28
Select both shapes and click Unite on the Pathfinder tool.Step 29
In the next rounded rectangle draw an ellipse and a comma shape. Select both shapes and click Unite to turn it into a balloon callout.Step 30
Inside the last rounded rectangle, draw four smaller rounded rectangles.Step 31
Below are our completed icons!Step 32 – Menu Navigation
Above the icons, draw small circles. Alt + Shift + Drag the shape to duplicate it.Step 33
Select all the circles and click Horizontal Distribute Center inside the Align panel.Step 34
Select one of the circles and resize it bigger. This bigger circle indicates that it is the ‘active’ page.Step 35 – Signal Icon
Inside the status bar on the upper part of the screen, draw a small rectangle and then duplicate it. Drag the top line of the second rectangle upwards using Direct Selection tool.Step 36
Repeat this process until we have four rectangles as shown below.Step 37 – Battery Icon
Draw two rounded rectangles. Select both shapes and then click Unite.Step 38 – Speaker
Draw a circle and Shift + Alt + Drag to duplicate it. Hit Ctrl + D a few times to repeat this duplication process.Step 39
Draw a big rounded rectangle covering the small circles.Step 40 – Camera
The "camera" is simply made from some circles with different sizes with the same origin.Step 41 – Side Buttons
Draw two rounded rectangles on both sides of the phone as shown.Step 42 – Preparing Canvas in Photoshop
We have finished working on the phone wireframe. It’s time to bring it to life using Photoshop. Open up Photoshop and then make a new file, File > New.Step 43
Select all paths in Illustrator (Ctrl + A) and then save it to Clipboard (Ctrl + C). Return to Photoshop and then paste it (Ctrl + V). In the option dialog box select Path.Step 44
The vector path will be kept in a new path inside the Paths panel.Step 45 – Basic Shape
Copy the basic shape path into a new path. Click white and black circle in the Layers panel to add a new Adjustment Layer. Select Solid Color and set color to #0f1219 in the next dialog box.Step 46
Duplicate the shape we have just created and double click its thumbnail layer to change its color to #c3c6c9.Step 47
From the option bar, set inner path mode to Subtract from path area. This will turn the shape into the phone edge.Step 48
Make a new layer. Convert layer to Clipping Mask by pressing Ctrl + Alt + G. From now on, everything you paint will go inside the phone edge. Activate Brush tool and set foreground color to black. Paint subtle shadows on parts of the phone edges.Step 49
Ctrl-click the phone edge layer to make a new selection based on its shape. Click Select > Modify > Contract by 1 px. By doing this you are making the selection smaller by 1 px.Step 50
Make a new layer and paint other subtle shadows and highlights.Step 51
Repeat the previous step, this time use Contract by 2 px. Draw shadows and highlights on the phone edges.Step 52 – Screen Area
Duplicate the screen area onto a new path. Click Add a New Adjustment Layer and select Solid Color. You can use any color.Step 53
Let’s insert a wallpaper into the screen. Drop a wallpaper picture right on top of the screen area layer. Here, I use a nice nebula image.Step 54
Hit Ctrl + Alt + G to convert it into a Clipping Mask. The wallpaper will automatically go inside the screen.Step 55
Click icon black and white circle in the Layers panel to add a new Adjustment Layer. Select Hue/Saturation from the menu and use the slider to modify the wallpaper color. Set it to Clipping Mask again by hitting Ctrl + Alt + G. This way, the adjustment layer will only affect the wallpaper and not the phone.Step 56 – Main Buttons
Duplicate the main button onto a new path. Add Adjustment Layer Solid Color with the color #cccfd2.Step 57
Let’s paint highlights and shadows onto the button. The process is very similar to what we did with the phone edge in Step 48 to Step 51.Ctrl-click the main button layer to make a new selection based on its shape. Click Select > Modify > Contract by 1 px.